Friday, September 09, 2005
Hey Kiddos.... Well, I suppose its time to update again. Let's see school was out on Monday so that was awesome. I love it when were out. hehe. We had a volleyball game on Tuesday and it was really...
View ArticleTuesday, September 20, 2005
OK well here's my update.... 1. School still sucks, but I know I'll make it through. 2. Andrew is officially gone and I miss him so much. You have no idea. 3. We have a volleyball game tonight. 4. Food...
View ArticleSaturday, October 15, 2005
Wow, I haven't updated in FORVER. I never have time for anything. Well, lots of stuff has gone on and its been so awesome. God is amazing how He works. School is actually going pretty good, I've been...
View ArticleWednesday, November 16, 2005
So yeah I decided that I would finally update. I've been home all day with some stomach thing it's pretty dumb, but anyways. I guess it's been like over a month since I've updated which is a really...
View ArticleTuesday, November 22, 2005
ok so, i decided to post another weblog enntry. I just love this xanga thing. anyways, I just really miss a certain someone, he lives in Canada. I just miss him. And his brother that lives in kentucky...
View ArticleWednesday, November 23, 2005
Thank you Judah for that last was amazing. I'm so glad you figured out my It's all good though. Anyways, I suppose thats all I wanted to say. I hope everyone has an awesome...
View ArticleFriday, December 23, 2005
Wow, its been a whole month....CRAZY!!! Only like 2 days till Christmas, well actually only 1 cause yeah Christmas Eve, but ya know...Anyways, I just got back from Tennessee and Florida and I had an...
View ArticleSunday, January 15, 2006
Hey everyone...I hope everyone is doing swell. Weird word, but I thought I would throw that in there. Just got home from a movie and dinner with my mom. It was so good to spend time with her, just me...
View ArticleWednesday, March 15, 2006
SPRING BREAK...... I'm so happy that it's finally here. I've been sleeping and working pretty much, which I'm fine with. As long as I'm not at school it's all good. I hope everyone is having a good...
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